Weekend Warrior Bootcamp

Scroll Down for registration information!
Weekend Warrior Bootcamp
Are you ready to radically change your body?
Come and join Empire Strength & Performance in our first ever Weekend Warrior Bootcamp starting May 1st! Get your body ready for the beach with this grueling fitness class that will help push you toward your goals and surpass your expectations. Burn fat and build muscle with Strength Coaches TJ Lopez and Joey Olivo.
Here's how to register:

Step 1: Fill out registration form. Bootcamp Registration Form (if it does not open on your computer, we can email it to you)
Step 2: Send regiestration form back to EmpireSTRENGTH@gmail.com or print it out and bring it to your first class.
Step 3: Pay for bootcamp:
1 session= $25.00 || 10 sessions= $200.00 || 20 sessions= $350
**Sign up before May 1st and recieve 1 free session with a purchase of a 10 pack
and 2 free sessions with the purchase of a 20 pack!**
Step 4: Mark your calendar and set your alarm for Saturday mornings starting May 1st at 9 am!
(You can register at any time, even after May 1st.)

Scroll down to pick package and pay:

Bootcamp Sessions