Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Welcome and thank you for visiting my site. My goal is to deliver quality and up-to-date information and advice reguarding fitness, performance and general health. I invite you to question and comment on any topics I may touch upon. I would also urge you to email me at any time for questions or topics you would like me to cover in the future. As a sports performance and strength coach, I work with a wide variety of individuals from the professional athlete to the weekend warrior.

My background in sports medicine, health and biology has prepared me to help many people reach their goals, whether it is cutting tenths of seconds off their 40-year dash time, increasing their strength or improving their body composition and overall health and wellness. As a former collegiate athlete, I know about the hard work it takes to succeed both on and off the field. I also have experienced with my own weight struggles after graduating college and continuing to eat like a collegiate football player. Needless to say, I have made many mistakes of my own until I furthered my eduation of fitness and health.

As a Strength and Performance Coach, I pride myself on my continuing education in the fitness and health industry. I am committed to staying on the cutting edge of the industry and surrounding myself with like-minded strength and performance coaches. Following the teachings of industry leaders such as Alwyn Cosgrove, Stu McGill, Todd Durkin, Martin Rooney and Dana Cavalea to name a few, I am able to take advantage of the great new information that is out there. The industry of health and fitness is ever-changing and I am thankful that it is moving in the right direction. With individuals from all types of health professions coming together and sharing ideas, the information available is endless.

Although my training philosophy is continually evolving as I further my education, there are a few absolutes that apply to any type of training:

-Results do not happen by accident, rather by design and focused dedication.
-Every form of training can be broken down into the most basic movements: squat, lunge, push, pull. (and no, crunch is not one of the movements)
-You must first set educated and realistic goals before you can set the foundation to attain and surpass them.

So, no matter what your goals are and however lofty they may be, I would love to help you in some way and I truly look forward to see how this site will evolve. Please send me your questions, comments, or topics of interest so that I can gauge what you are looking for. And of course, remember that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Thank you again and please pass on this information to anyone you know who may be interested and continue to check back as I will be updating the site often with your questions in hopes of promoting health, wellness, strength and performance as well as motivating you to reach your goals, both large and small.

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